Why Is Imperialism A Good Thing

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Imperialism is when one country takes over another just for power. Do you think that this is a good thing or not? To me this is not a good thing. Imperialism did not help us at all. All it did was make us hate each other even more. Without imperialism, Africa would be more civilized and not have most of their people starving. If imperialism never happend Africa would not had to go through all of the torture that they did go through. Imperialism was not a good thing because, There was slavery, warfare, mother countries fought over other smaller countries.
During imperialism Mother countries started to take over the world. Great Britain owned most of the world. Countries just like great britain were horrible countries. They just took whatever they wanted. They had a conference called the berlin conference which started the …show more content…

People were sacrificed because europeans got on their land and fought. The Africans were in the middle of the battle because the Europeans were fighting in the middle of where the Africans lived.A lot of Africans had to fight just so that they could keep the land that they lived on. Other Africans Decided to back down and let the mother countries fight. The Africans that backed down were made into slaves. They were the ones that were brought back to Africa. Some eventually came back and created another county when they were set free called Liberia.
Cities and countries were destroyed just like people were killed. This was the worst time in African history. Africans had no control over anything that they did. Only because of imperialism. Without Imperialism Africa would be a civilized country that would be very rich and powerful. A lot of countries went down in flames for getting set on fire because of gun shots and cannons. The Africans were responsible for cleaning up the mess that was made by the Europeans. Africans were taken after this to go to the americas and help out the civilization

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