Why Is Donald Trump Unethical

1330 Words3 Pages

Salvador Moreno
Professor C
Soc 4
Final Paper
The fact that Donald Trump is now the president of the United States has shocked a lot of people, especially those that hate his guts.This guy said so many hurtful things to all types of races here in America like the so called "illegals" he discriminated during his campaign as he clearly stated that all illegals should go back to where they came from.This type of behavior, especially from a man who is suppose to be a role model to this country, should not be tolerated. People have different opinions on this topic and some may think Donald Trump is actually a good guy. But for America to be known as a place of freedom and liberty, this type of behavior is unacceptable and gives this country a bad reputation. …show more content…

What people didn't know was that this would spark all kinds of tension across the United States because so many people were angry at Trump for recently saying racial remarks towards illegals. Not too long ago he said he would build a wall at the border of Mexico and the United States. I myself, a Hispanic, was not too happy about this suggestion, and I bet I wasn't the only one. This whole time, I wanted Hillary to win because it seemed like she was less aggressive and discriminative towards illegals than Trump was, so the fact that Trump ended up winning honestly crushed

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