Why Is Blanche Dubois Mentally Unstable

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Blanche Dubois proves herself to be mentally unstable throughout the play. She is mentally unstable due to the fact that she is considered a pedofile, lies to extreme measures, and has a lot of strange things going through her head. Blanche was fired from her job because she got caught in an engagement with a teenage boy, who also happened to be one of her students. After that ordeal she still seemed to lure and attract young boys. For example, in the play a delivery boy came through and she could not contain herself around him. “You make my mouth water… Come here. I want to kiss you, just once, softly and sweetly on your mouth.”(Williams p.88). After she kissed the young man it is almost as if she were in a trance and she suddenly woke up from it with, “now run along, now quickly! …show more content…

Blanche knew what she had done was wrong but it is almost as if she does not care, and that proves to be reason why she is mentally unstable. Another reason Blanche would be considered mentally unstable is that she seems to be stuck in fantasies and imagining things in her head. As a source says, “Blanche inside her own madness, self imprisoned; her madness is precisely her inclosure within the image. In her paranoid state, Blanche really cannot “get out”, because there no longer is an outside.”(Fleche N.P.). Blanche always seems to be paranoid and in a frantic state. She has to take hot baths and drink alcohol to calm her nerves. She has a lot of things floating around in her imagination, like the man she believes can save her, the music, the gunshot, and the mexican lady with flowers. For example “The Varsouviana”! The polka tune they were playing when Allan - Wait! [A distant revolver shot is

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