Why Is Barbie A Good Role Model

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What is a role mode? A role model is a person looked to by others as an example to be imitated , is that not what barbie is considered ? Barbie has been around for who knows how long and inspires little boys and girls everywhere. Barbie has many different careers and things that make her special which kids look up to and aspire to any job they want just like barbie does. They look at everything out there because of barbie. “Barbie is a doll that has shaped the childhood of millions” (Justina Sharp). Barbie has many aspects of a good role model(counterclaim) , “This is so important because little girls could learn from barbie that they do not need to conform in today’s society, but instead do and be anything that they want to be” (The Equinox). Barbie should be more recognized for her accomplishments in the jobs she has as a doll instead of being torn apart for her appearance. Perhaps people think that barbie is not a good role model for teenage girls(counterclaim) considering she is all around perfect and may cause self esteem issues for teens. “She portrays unattainable body image and puts negative ideas in young teens minds”. (The Rampages) Even if that is true for some people, over all it is the adults that are putting these ideas that their child will get self esteem …show more content…

Why is it a bad thing for barbie to have all of those material items when kids grow up with the main goal to make money and have nice things. As people would say barbie causes the idea and if the effect of bankruptcy in young teens but if young teens are going to go bankrupt it is not going to be because of a doll they played with when they were

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