Why Is Alexander The Great Bad

953 Words2 Pages

November, 2016

It was a beautiful day then before you realize it there was a new king that ruled the world. His name was Alexander the Great. He came to power after he killed his father and became king. He ruled Greece and conquered most of the known world. Some say he was a hero but they are wrong. Alexander the Great is a villain because he was egotistical, lead his country out of fear, and impulsively drunk.

Alexander the great was a villain because he was egotistical. Historians have long argued that there have been many examples of Alexander doing things that favor himself and himself only. After Alexander’s father died he wanted to be king. “According to Alexander the Great” by Bio “The army proclaimed Alexander the feudal king and …show more content…

He has hurt many innocent people for no reason, why would a hero do that? He tortured his own loyal follower. According to ABC “Alexander, though barely out of his teens, paved the way for the rapid spread of Greek culture throughout that tortured land” (Dye,1). He tortured his people, torturing people is not a characteristic of a hero. He treated his loyal followers that would do anything for like pets. And if he did not get 1`1 1 ` his was Alexander way he scared/forced people into worshipping him. He lead his civilizations out of fear.A hero would never demand respect when he knew he did that right. Alexander however was not a hero because he demanded respect and led his country out of fear. Also History for kids said said that “he marched his huge army of over 3000 cavalry soldiers and some 30,000 infantry soldiers to the tip of the Greek peninsula. He destroyed Thebes and this caused fear among the city-states” (History for Kids, 13). He scared the own people of his country. a good ruler want to scare his whole country and cause force. A hero would listen to what the country thought and make decisions together. Not be bossy for no reason at all. Also he scared them. A hero does not scare people a villain does.And history channel said “He named more than 70 cities after himself” (Barksdale, 5). Keep in mind alexander the city's. He was so selfish and wanted the whole world to know he was …show more content…

Like Achilles, who, protected Briseis during the battle of Troy” (unknowns, 2).But they are wrong because “Alexander's Lover’s” said that “He determined to make such a show of his chastity and self-control" that he treated these exotic beauties as "lifeless images cut out of stone” (Plut, 21). Alexander did not respect women, their intelligence or their bodies. He put them on show and treated them like a toy with no feelings. If he were to do this today he would be arrested. He did this to make a point that he was the best. That he had most power and had all of the females coming to him. These are shameful acts and Alexander did this for for fun. Today people would have no respect for

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