Why Independence Is Important To Me Essay

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Independence becomes the most important thing in life to those who turn eighteen or even graduates. We as people strive to get out of the house as soon as possible. Our parents sometimes think you are not ready yet and will keep you for a while, unlike some to where they kick their kids out as soon as possible. My parents do want me to stay due to the fact that they will need someone to understand this new tech that comes out every year. I will soon want my independence so I can go out there and be somebody. If you become dependent on someone or something you get lost quite quickly. This is because you lose those skills of being able to know simple things. Three reasons I believe that I Colton Flinner deserve my freedom are, further my career, earn money and the most important of all, becoming responsible. First, the thing we all strive to further improve is the career we started for ourselves. Mine would be the welding hobby that I have gotten over the course of my time in Worland High school. I want to possibly join the Airforce as an Aviation Mechanic. So I will need to do all I can to my ability to improve my welding skills so that I will be ready. The reason it is important to have worked on what …show more content…

That is what makes it so important to us all, our lives all live off this green note. I will need to be working to earn this precious currency to pay bills and basic needs. If I am stuck in my parent house they will always need me and that will take time out of my job. This will cause me to earn less as I will not have as many hours. You can look around in the world today and nothing you look at was not payed for. That just tells you how important having a job is to those who hope to have a house someday. Soon enough I want to be able to afford the things that I would enjoy having. To be able to maintain the things that I buy and to increase the well-being of

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