Why I Chose To Study Into College

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Two years ago, going into college, I had no idea what I wanted to major in or what my plan was for the future. I have worked at my grandfather’s insurance agency throughout all of my senior year and thought that if I didn’t know what I wanted, I should just go into business and always have the “office” to fall back on. When my first classes as a business student started I found that it was extremely hard for me to stay focused and even harder for me to find the motivation to study. I just wasn’t interested in the material and had no desire to learn about business statistics. I knew the path I was on lead to a dead end; I needed a different route. I got on to mywsu and started searching for classes that caught my interests. This class caught my attention. I love to dig deep into my thoughts and really think about my views on things and listen to what others views and opinions are. …show more content…

We all chose to wear basketball shorts and t-shirts until middle school. We were 110% outdoor tomboys and at times people would tell my parents “we need a boy”, but I think there was enough “boy” in the family for us all. I didn’t have a care for make up or dresses until I was in middle school. I guess that would be the time in my life I really took into thought that I am a lady and should probably dress and act like one. I quickly realized that doing my hair and make-up plus trying to dress nice was not my thing and took up way too much of my time. I once again resorted back to my sweats, t-shirt and tennis shoe days. After this, I always got the conversation of why I don’t “look like a girl”. For a while I was confused and wondered if my peers were mistaking me for a male. I wish/hope that one day women and young ladies will be able to dress how they want and not have to hear backlash for not dressing the way society tells us we

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