Why Huckleberry Finn Should Be Banned

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“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by Mark Twin, is an American classic novel. Many schools have banned this book because today's standards because this book is seen as racist. This can be claimed by several factors. The dialog used by African American characters can be seen as unintelligent, the word nigger is used, and there are slaves within the story. These story elements are evidence that this book could be easily seen as racists or even offensive. Most schools have banned this book because of these things. But should they? While they might be wrong by modern-day standards, they give the reader a view into what life used to be like. Mark Twain wanted to place common thinking up-side-down and critical thinking into chaos. While most of this book can be seen as bad, it also gives readers …show more content…

While most things from the past should stay in the past, these thing should be explored by children. This helps them to know why things happen and why they can or can't do it. “It came after Marie Rothstein-Williams, the mother of a mixed race child, told a school board meeting: "I'm not disputing this is great literature, but there is so much racial slurs in there and offensive wording that you can’t get past that, and right now we are a nation divided as it is." (News for Today. Com) While this is true, the woman added. “What are we teaching our children? We’re validating that these words are acceptable. They are not acceptable. Truly we are divided. We will lose our children if we continue to say that this is okay, that we validate these words when we should not." This, however, isn't the case. Most parents fail to realize that their children know it isn't ok to say it anymore. They fail to realize that this is just a school assignment and that their children wouldn't read it for any other reason. In fact, people should be glad their children are reading this book, since it's all about how slavery is

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