Why Honey Carver

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Short Story, Why honey, written by Raymond Carver in 1970, is a about a single mother and her son, who start to diverge from each other after many lies and excuses the son has concocted. The unwholesome story can evoke plenty of different opinions, but the main subject I noticed was the secretiveness of the characters, whose life the story was about. Their names were not revealed, as well as many other pieces of information were left out. So, it might make one think, why did the son lie, who sent the letter and much more. This pondering compelled me to fill in the gaps in the story to explain the events. At least partially. Eventually, I came up with a conspiracy theory that the story was not fiction but based actual events. And, it was not based on just someone’s life, but the author’s himself. The theory inspects the background of the …show more content…

Well, during the teenage years of his, he had lied to his mother to cover that he had been in a school dance. According to my theory, he got middle of a teenage pregnancy drama. When the baby was born, got he a name Raymond. The son in the story managed to keep this baby as a secret since the newly birth given mother fled with the baby, because she couldn’t bear the shame and wanted to start a new life with Raymond. Later she met her new husband, but when the time went by, he became violent and an alcoholic. The mother was too afraid to leave him, and eventually the abusive man became the father of Raymond Carter, although not biological. Meantime, the real father pursued his own life, and became the Governor. After many years, the mother of Raymond told him about his real father. Nevertheless, Raymond didn’t want to meet him, as he felt like he had abandoned him, but he still was curious about his family, so he sent a letter to his

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