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Sexual harassment in the work environment
Sexual harassment why
Sexual harassment in the work environment
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Why End Sexual Harassment?
There are many misconceptions concerning the types of behavior that constitute sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is broadly described as any unwanted sexual advances or verbal comments, such as derogatory slurs. It also includes any visual harassment such as posters or drawings containing offensive material (Mallery 1). The controversy surrounding the topic of sexual harassment is often a direct result of its broad definition. In addition, the classification of an event as sexual harassment is often opinion based: what some people consider harassment others may consider playful flirting. Confusion also stems from the misinterpretation of words such as “derogatory” and “advances,” which are not specifically
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However, victims of sexual harassment rarely notify the authorities in a timely manner. A study performed on sexual harassment on college campuses found that only about twenty percent of harassment victims report the incident to the authorities. Inadequate reporting of sexual harassment occurs because many victims believe that the incident is too minor to report (Hefling). Unreported cases of sexual harassment may lead the offender to believe that their unwanted advances are in fact welcomed, causing them to increase the frequency and severity of their inappropriate behavior. When previous offenses are not reported, perpetrators often progress to even more flagrant and harmful behavior because they believe that those offenses will be ignored as well. Sexual harassment often begins with very minor infractions and escalates in severity as offenses go unreported. The escalation of sexual harassment is also a result of the perpetrator experiencing no negative consequences of their conduct. Sexual harassment is a foundation for more serious sexual misconduct such as sexual abuse and assault. The failure to report sexual harassment in the work place may lead to degradation in the work environment, and serious consequences to the organization and individuals …show more content…
It is imperative that sexual harassment is adequately defined and policies to prevent its occurrence are adopted. When not addressed in a timely manner, sexual harassment often increases in frequency and may escalate to sexual assault. Sexual harassment causes numerous problems in the workplace. Harassment results in deterioration of an organization’s work environment, which causes decreased productivity and profits. In addition, sexual harassment exposes organizations to civil lawsuits and the potential for significant monetary damages. The most injurious consequence of sexual harassment is the psychological harm suffered by victims. There are still many individuals who downplay the frequency and adverse impact of sexual harassment. These individuals still consider sexual harassment to be a frivolous issue. As a result, many cases of harassment go unreported. Consequently, the perpetrators never receive the education and corrective action they require, and victims don’t receive the counseling and other assistance they
Some employees may feel embarrassed to talk about those issues with supervisors. If alleged sexual harassment occurs, it should be addressed
In Chapter 11 of William Shaw’s The Organization and the People in It goes over issue of sexual harassment in the workplace and its effects. Sexual harassment is defined as the “unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature”, most reports of sexual harassment are from women accusing men however men accusing women is becoming more prevalent in todays society (Shaw, p.444). Sexual harassment is a moral issues because a person becomes a victim by means of verbal comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature and not being able to refuse them without fear that something worse will happen.
...e Dean than to report to the police. A police report and a trail take time and one 's rapist could still be walking around campus. But if one reports the the Dean, there s a small and private judiciary process to get the rapist at least removed from one 's classes if any are shared. Perhaps this will make victims more aware that although it might take longer and be harder, reporting to the police may be a better route. Then the rapist will hopefully and up in jail, making the victim feel safe. Maybe this trail will also make people more aware of sexual assault and how it can be stopped. In my research paper I want to continue to look into sexual assault stories, its potential causes, more statistics, and what we can do to decrease the amount of sexual assaults on college campuses. Hopefully, if anything substantial is found, it can be integrated into SIU’s policies.
Roberts, Barry S. and Richard A. Mann. ?Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: A Primer.? n.pag. On-line. Internet. 5 Dec 2000. Available WWW:
Sexual harassment, in most cases, involves a superior’s behavior towards a subordinate. As mentioned before, most forms of sexual harassment occur in the workplace. An employee can charge an employer with sexual harassment as a result of the misconduct of managers, fellow employees, vendors, and even customers. Eventually, sexual harassment can cause a hostile work environment. It is true, for the most part, that sexual harassment comes in many forms in the workplace.
What is sexual harassment? It is the conduct to unwelcome and affect the terms and conditions of employment. There are several different ways an individual can be sexual harassed .
Clark, C. S. (1991, August 9). Sexual harassment. CQ Researcher, 1, 537-560. Retrieved from http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher
Gale Group. (2003). Gale Encyclopedia of Everyday Law. Retrieved 10 29, 2011, from eNotes: http://www.enotes.com/everyday-law-encyclopedia/sexual-harassment
But, don't be intimidated and DEFINITELY don't put up with it, because you don't deserve to be treated that way! Bibliography:.. Alverez, A. (1970) The 'Secondary' of the 'Secon Sexual Harassment in the Modern Era?
Most companies in the United States require employers with over 15 employees to undergo sexual harassment trainings. Avoiding sexual harassment is not an easy task. If an employee, whether it is male or female, is a victim of sexual harassment, they should immediately take the matter to their immediate supervisor. The victim should “communicate either verbally, in writing, or by their own actions to the harasser that the conduct make them uncomfortable and it should be stopped” (Know Your Rights, 2012). Employers should provide their employees with training on the subject, where direct guidelines are provided, along with steps to filing a complaint for potential
Sexual harassment is defined as bullying or coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome, intentional and inappropriate promise of reward for sexual favours (Paludi & Paludi, 2003). Sexual harassment can take the form of a singular offence (i.e. a "quid pro quo”), or it can occur as a result of multiple offences creating a poisoned or hostile working environment. “Quid pro quo” is a situation in which a punishment or promotion is made conditional on whether an employee submits to sexual advances or not. A violation is defined as one singular incidence of “quid pro quo”; a repeated pattern of ‘violations’ is what formulates a hostile work environment. Sexual harassment can take a variety of forms: “unsolicited and unwelcome flirting, sexual
Sexual Harassment/Assault is a growing issue in the U.S. In this paper, I will highlight the meaning of sexual harassment, some of the signs, behavior theories, and concepts of being sexually harassed. The history of sexual harassment dates back to slave days when it didn’t really have a meaning or name, but women activists were protesting against it. I will explore the statistics of sexual harassment and how it occurs more commonly in women. Also, I will share my personal experiences as a teenager dealing with my sister being sexually harassed at her first job.
To conclude sexual harassment is a tremendously huge issue that should be taken seriously. The only solution for tackling this situation is to speak up when this situation happen to someone. Encourage the victim of sexual harassment to come forward and report to proper authority as soon as possible. The longer the victim waits, the less probability that it will be corrected. If there is someone out there that had been victim of harassment confront the person regarding the situation. Call for help and consult with local HR representative or appropriate authority. Do not become part of the statistics of such shameful acts. Get help! Finally, sexual harassment laws must be strengthened in order to fix what has become a serious problem today in the workplace in order to avoid having more victims.
Sexual harassment can be avoided if your company takes action from the very beginning. If your company has a distinct policy, a strong training program, and a clear process of what may happen if there is a sexual harassment claim, it can keep your company out of the clear from unwanted law suits. It will also make an ethical and stable work environment for all employees and their superiors. These tools can help make sure you and your employees are free to work in a safe and non-hostile environment.
In addition to legal measures, many governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and other bodies are using a range of techniques to prevent sexual harassment and help its victims. Governments, for example, issue guidance on how to design anti-sexual harassment measures and to offer counselling to workers who have been targeted. Workers’ and employers’ organizations are producing model policies and collective agreement clauses, issuing guidance on complying with laws, conducting research and providing training. At the workplace, growing numbers of employers are introducing sexual harassment policies and complaints procedures. Moreover, there appears to be an emerging consensus around what workplace policies should contain and the steps to be taken to implement them, which can be used by those employers who have yet to take action.