Why End Sexual Harassment On College Campuses

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Why End Sexual Harassment?
There are many misconceptions concerning the types of behavior that constitute sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is broadly described as any unwanted sexual advances or verbal comments, such as derogatory slurs. It also includes any visual harassment such as posters or drawings containing offensive material (Mallery 1). The controversy surrounding the topic of sexual harassment is often a direct result of its broad definition. In addition, the classification of an event as sexual harassment is often opinion based: what some people consider harassment others may consider playful flirting. Confusion also stems from the misinterpretation of words such as “derogatory” and “advances,” which are not specifically …show more content…

However, victims of sexual harassment rarely notify the authorities in a timely manner. A study performed on sexual harassment on college campuses found that only about twenty percent of harassment victims report the incident to the authorities. Inadequate reporting of sexual harassment occurs because many victims believe that the incident is too minor to report (Hefling). Unreported cases of sexual harassment may lead the offender to believe that their unwanted advances are in fact welcomed, causing them to increase the frequency and severity of their inappropriate behavior. When previous offenses are not reported, perpetrators often progress to even more flagrant and harmful behavior because they believe that those offenses will be ignored as well. Sexual harassment often begins with very minor infractions and escalates in severity as offenses go unreported. The escalation of sexual harassment is also a result of the perpetrator experiencing no negative consequences of their conduct. Sexual harassment is a foundation for more serious sexual misconduct such as sexual abuse and assault. The failure to report sexual harassment in the work place may lead to degradation in the work environment, and serious consequences to the organization and individuals …show more content…

It is imperative that sexual harassment is adequately defined and policies to prevent its occurrence are adopted. When not addressed in a timely manner, sexual harassment often increases in frequency and may escalate to sexual assault. Sexual harassment causes numerous problems in the workplace. Harassment results in deterioration of an organization’s work environment, which causes decreased productivity and profits. In addition, sexual harassment exposes organizations to civil lawsuits and the potential for significant monetary damages. The most injurious consequence of sexual harassment is the psychological harm suffered by victims. There are still many individuals who downplay the frequency and adverse impact of sexual harassment. These individuals still consider sexual harassment to be a frivolous issue. As a result, many cases of harassment go unreported. Consequently, the perpetrators never receive the education and corrective action they require, and victims don’t receive the counseling and other assistance they

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