Why Do Shakespeare Be Taught In Schools

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Shakespeare is probably the most well known playwrights of all time. Have we ever asked why his work is included in curriculums across the US? Why have his works stood the test of time? Why do schools still focus on Shakespeare instead of a more relevant piece of literature from modern times. Many would agree that it is overrated and brings no enjoyment to current day readers and should not be taught. Shakespeare's plays are great plays for audiences from the 16th century. Sadly the poet has not aged well and we have reached the point to where listening to his books is like listening to another language. This is why, books like No Fear Shakespeare started sprouting up. An attempt at translating Shakespeare verse to modern day speak has essentially killed off his rhyme style. At The Oregon Shakespeare Festival people were outraged over the announcement that the translated version was being presented . Many even stated, ¨“This is the death of art” or “People against this need to stop being so damn precious,”.¨ Both sides were justified in their opinion. On one side was outrage, they felt Shakespeare's words had …show more content…

They are boring to many, and not exciting to some. So why not teach books like The Great Gatsby, To Kill a Mockingbird and The Lord of The Flies. For example, The Lord of The Flies is great at teaching the human condition already trumping several Shakespeare plays in two categories in the human condition and in entertainment. But why teach kids about a book that is boring and just no fun with so many current day books that literally tower over Shakespeare in entertainment value and easier to understand. Although, some believe his plays are still good, a Professor inLiverpool personally believes that even the actors are getting bored because ¨they're not given the chance to explore other less well-known plays of the

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