Why Do Handguns Be Banned Essay

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Handguns can be easily concealed, so they are the weapon of choice for people who choose to use them for self-defense. Unfortunately, they are also the weapon of choice for criminals. Since handguns are easy for criminals to steal, handguns are available on the black market; this makes handguns an attractive choice for criminals. Some gun control supporters believe that completely banning handguns is the best way to protect citizens. However, banning handguns fails to protect people because the laws are ineffective, banning handguns prevents people from an effective means of self-defense, and the laws do not solve the real problem, which is the gun owner. Banning handguns leaves citizens with less self-defense options. When people are stripped of the most effective form of self-defense, they are vulnerable, and this is a serious problem. A law abiding citizen will not break the law and own a handgun if they are banned, but a criminal will. If an individual desires to rob a bank or murder someone, he or she is not going to be worried about breaking a gun ordinance.That is the last thing running through a person mind at the time of the crime.”Everyone who commits a mass shooting has a mental issue”, says John Shaw. “ preventing them from getting the gun is the most important thing” (lines 9-10). …show more content…

Nikolas Cruz, a 19 year old that use to go to the school who got expelled a year ago for disciplinary problems. He wasn’t your average kid he was described as weird and the kid who likes guns. Nikolas was the gunman he ended up killing 17 people and injured more than a dozen. A local television station said that “the slaughter appeared to be the worst mass murder in the history of Broward county”(lines 3-6). Do we really think it’s the guns that are the problem or is it the people behind the

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