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College students and procrastination
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Why do college students procrastinate? Nearly every student will admit to, at times, delaying work until it is more “convenient.” Often times, these poor school habits will cause the student to become stressed and unorganized. Unfortunately, students will often fall into a cycle repeating these unacceptable behaviors. This cycle leads to sloppy work performance and lower grades. Discouragement abounds at this point and, in fact, many students give up completely. College students tend to procrastinate their work due to overestimating their own abilities, underestimating their coursework, and lacking motivation. In high school, many students put minimal effort into their assignments and still excelled above their classmates. Studying and completing homework ahead of time was a non-issue for them. Commonly, these students were convinced …show more content…
For their entire lives, these students have been motivated by an outside source to complete their work. Whether it was a teacher, parent, or tutor, students were constantly reminded of the importance of completing their assignments. As college students, however, there is a need for a greater sense of self-motivation. These students have not yet developed the maturity necessary to thrive in an independent learning environment. Many students go into college without the discipline and determination needed in order to succeed. These students struggle throughout their college beginnings and become discouraged at their poor performance compared to their previous high school successes. Other times, students are caught up in the “college experience,” and begin to lose motivation. College’s social aspect is a lifelong memory. Many students, however, prioritize socializing and partying over their studies. It is a slippery slope for these students as coursework and other assignments pile up and eventually overwhelm the naive
In the novel, What the Best College Students Do written by Ken Bain, we learn about how college student goes through rough times in their college life. The author brings up a common issue that occurs in the academic life of college students. It is the need of having self confidence and self esteem. Bain believes that if a student loves and admires themselves it will give the student a better advantage of having a well-being lifestyle than all their other peers that are having difficulties. Many college students focus mainly on their grades other than the knowledges that they are learning in class. The idea of having perfect grades in all the subjects are limiting the students from approaching activities that they might be interested.
The multiple choices students have today in college have made the university a party environment, resulting in complacent students. Mark Edmundson raises important questions and makes valid points in this essay that are worth thinking about. If people don’t take a look at our present college system and start thinking outside the box, the college education system will continue on its downward spiral of consumerism. It is fun to graduate high school and go to college to party and to have a comedic professor, but there is so much more to college then having fun. People need to realize that by challenging student, students can then start to recognize their own potential end become better for it. Learning and utilizing the information that is being taught in college is essential. “Everyone is born with their own mind, all that is left to do is break out of the stereotypical college student mold, and use
Anxiety. Regret. Frustration. Restlessly glancing at the clock, cringing every time I do. Staring at a blinking cursor, waiting for inspiration. Spending a restless night trying to squeeze out something to turn in the next day. This is a process known all too well by me, and most high schoolers in America, one known as: Procrastination. Procrastination is something easily avoided, and yet, seems to be one of the biggest causes for low grades in most students’ lives. It’s a tempting prospect, putting off your responsibilities to do something enjoyable, but it should be avoided at every possibility. Procrastination causes your grades to suffer, causes your mental health to suffer, and causes you to learn bad habits for the future.
It seems as though the majority of college students these days aren’t looking to further their education because it’s what they really want, they do it to please their parents, to be accepted by society, or because there’s nothing else for them to do (Bird, 372). These expectations have led to students being unhappy and stressed, and have pushed them into a school or a job that they don’t particularly care for.
Students entering college for the first time become concerned with their college life. The students are on their own once they enter college. There are no parents or guardians telling them when to do homework, when to go to bed, or how to eat healthy. These students are now responsible for how they are going to succeed in school and meet their own needs. From the beginning, these students wonder what their experience is going to be like and are they going to handle the demands of college?
“I’ll do it later this week, I have time” some of the most commonly used words for procrastinators. Individuals who are procrastinators sometimes feel they work best under pressure, giving them a way to self-sooth themselves when facing reality of the work that lies ahead. Many procrastinators have very busy lives, such as working full or part time, others are juggling family life with kids in addition to work. It seems as if finding the balance between their everyday lives while attending school are for many a recipe for disaster. Those who leave work until the last minute are really never able to find the time to accomplish the work. If we take procrastinators for face value we ca...
For students, specifically myself, procrastination happens more that I would like to admit, being able to manage my time and work homework and projects into my schedule is crucial to maintaining my grades. Freshman Seminar expressed this importance through two items, the first being the ‘4 Year Course Plan’ assignment and the second being due dates on the assignments themselves. The ‘4 Year Course Plan’ allowed for me to assess my current standing at Capitol Technology University and plan out my future. With my next four years planned out I am able to see what I need to get done and determine how my next four years may play out. While the due dates for the assignments allowed for me to get a healthy and average level of stress due to course load. This stress level motivated me to get my work done on time and effectively as I needed to ensure time for other class work and
For instance, for some students, the transition from high school to college can be extremely challenging. Starting a new school that is bigger with innumerable, unfamiliar faces can be quite intimidating for some. Also, the high work load and fast paced environment can be an unexpected challenge that makes it almost impossible for new students to stay on top of their assignments. In addition, numerous students desire to experience the fun and exhilarating side of college life, like going to parties and social events, but prioritizing their social life over their school assignments can cost them dearly. Furthermore, when having a good time becomes a priority over school work, it shows in their grades. Over time, this can cause a significant amount of stress that contributes to the student dropping
“Leave nothing for tomorrow which can be done today;” Abraham Lincoln, our nation’s 13th President, spoke about procrastinating over a century and a half ago. Did he foreshadow the new procrastination problem infecting our youth today? Maybe, but it’s become an epidemic, spreading across the nation like wildfire. Nevertheless, there’s a difference between those who procrastinate and those who are procrastinators. A non-procrastinator and a procrastinator both have to-do lists with 12 tasks to accomplish; the non-procrastinator finishes tasks one through nine and leaves the rest for another day, but the procrastinator tends to do one or two things before reorganizing the list and procrastinating on the rest (Jaffe). One can argue that procrastinators have symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder causing their lack in concentration, but many teens feel as if they don’t have enough time to finish everything they need to do. Procrastination is not a mental disorder; teenagers simply delay harder projects to do easier assignments, fear being rejected by their peers, and hope for a last minute sense of urgency that will propel them to do better on their endeavors.
College students have to balance work, family, and college activists and any delaying behavior from within can cause an unbalance. This behavior is called procrastinating and it can lead to problems in many areas of a student’s life. College students are the worst hit by this type of behavior because they have many different activities to focus on instead of studying. These activities can cause students to study when they have time which often is usually too short amount of time. There is a time and place to relax and enjoy life, but if students focus on playing around instead of getting their assignments done, college life will be stressful.
As an adult student, it is not easy to manage the demands of work; spouse and children; and the need to set aside time to read, research, write, and complete specified assignments. The biggest complaint conveyed by adult students is that they simply don’t have enough time. The fact is time management is crucial so you don’t lose sight of your goals. Students’ time is a limited resource. Like other limited resources, time can be more or less effectively managed (Britton, 1991, p.405). It is hard to address my perspective of my own procrastination and my ability to learn. Now that I’m older and looking at the facts of where I am now in life, I should be a lot further in my college goals. Many young adults wish someone sat them down early in life and guided them in a wiser direction. A college degree is essential in the career world.
The definition of procrastination according to Solomon & Rothblum is the determined delay of the start or completion of a task (1984). Procrastinators will also differ from those who do not procrastinate in numerous ways. An example would be that procrastinators often fear failure, strive for perfection, may be slightly pessimistic and more anxious, which may become worse when they realize they are procrastinating (McCown & Johnson, 1991) or when deadlines are approaching (Tice & Baumeister, 1997). The personal and realistic problems that result from dysfunctional procrastination are predominantly acute in academics, as the inclination to put off school-related tasks often result in challenging levels of stress (Solomon & Rothblum 1984), on the whole the end of the academic semester would be the peak (Tice & Baumeister, 1997).
Although homework may seem like drudgery, the hard work that is put into homework may pay off in the long run. In the article, “Does homework really work for students?” Jacqueline Carey, the mother of seventh grade student Micah Carey, stated that “homework gives [students] a good foundation for when they move on further in school” (Johnson). Not only that but according to Donyall Dickey, principle at Murray Hill Middle School, “if students do not acquire things in class, they will acquire them through homework” (Johnson). As we can see homework helps and prepares us for higher grade levels while in primary school that can possibly prepare us for college. It also helps us to remember the materials that were taught in class. Another reason homework can be beneficial is the fact that it can prepare us for tests and the dreadful pop-quiz that a teacher may randomly give us. This fact was proven, according to a 2006 study by Harris Cooper, director of Duke University’s Program in education, in the article “Homework or Not? That is the (Research) Question”. The studies instituted that “students who had homework performed better on class tests compared to those who did not” (DeNisco). Another compelling thing about homework, are the qualities a skills th...
Procrastination is a tendency to postpone, put off, delay, reschedule, take a rain check on, put on ice, hold off, or to defer what is necessary to reach a particular goal.(Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition. Philip Lief Group 2009.) While attending College some students find it hard to juggle work, family, and friends. Leading most students down a dangerous path to procrastination; that negative impact affect students from their physical health, mental health, and social health.
Kralovec, author of The End of Homework argues that doing homework during high school has little or no effect on successful study skills of students in college. College students have only a few hours of class a week and lots of daytime hours in which to study. She says the college schedule is nowhere as grueling as in high school. In addition, the average adult does not return home from the office with three or more hours of work to complete (Kralovec). When "busy work" assignments are given carelessly and frequently, it causes students to lose interest in the subject. Negative results can also occur when a student is not able to complete his or her homework. Many times they will resort to copying homework, having others do their assignments, or cheating on tests. Bad habits such as these are likely to follow kids through their lives and have an effect on their moral judgment. With no consequences to these actions students will almost always take the easy way out when it comes to homework