Why Did George Atzerodt Kill

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In the book, Chasing Lincoln’s Killer, a total of five co-conspirators served the death penalty. Although, out of these five suspects, it seemed that George Atzerodt’s punishment far outweighed his role in the crime. In my opinion, I do not believe that he did anything worthy of death. Firstly, Atzerodt never killed President Lincoln or Vice President Johnson. Even though he was ordered to kill the vice president, he never followed the plan and ended up quitting. “But that night, Johnson escaped death. Atzerodt could not do it...Abandoning his mission, Atzerodt got on his horse and rode away.” (page 69). Unlike Lewis Powell, George Atzerodt didn’t attempt to murder his victim at all. The plan presented to him by Booth was never completed and remained just a thought in his head. A failed idea shouldn’t justify his cruel punishment. …show more content…

He didn’t escape with him or didn’t aid him during his escape, like the other conspirators did. Atzerodt never escaped or followed Booth across the bridge either, having no intention to. On page 65 it states, “Once over the bridge, Booth turned to see if his henchmen -- David Herold, Lewis Powell, or George Atzerodt -- followed in the distance…Booth saw no one, neither friends nor pursuers, behind him.” For instance, Mary Surratt gave all of the suspects shelter and Herold joined Booth on his escape route. Should Atzerodt have been punished even if he didn’t contribute to the

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