Why Cheating Is Wrong

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According to Merriam Webster’s Dictionary cheating is defined as the act of breaking a rule or law, usually to gain an advantage at something or more specifically to violate rules dishonestly. Based on that definition one can conclude that cheating is wrong. Since the beginning of time man has been cheating, we were not meant to but we did. Remember back to Adam and Eve, the apple in the garden….yea…CHEATING. I guess you could say that it is one trait that might be instinctual, we must be taught that it is wrong. We have to have examples of people who don’t engage in this kind of behavior. The first concepts babies learn are “NO” and “MINE!” We as parents are meant to then teach them to do what they are told and to share. These are not concepts we learned as infants. …show more content…

I am pretty sure that most men actually think in some ways it is ok. And more and more even women are cheating, even as much as men! But that is a whole other perspective on cheating. There are many people that find it perfectly acceptable to cheat on a math test but meant their wedding vows and will not cheat on their spouse. There are many different outlooks on cheating and why we justify it. It is a sliding scale that could fall on either side of the “right or wrong” at any moment. If asked you might say you wouldn’t steal this or that or wouldn’t use the answers if they were handed to you in class but in actuality the saying and the doing are two very different things. Most would at least consider

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