Why Athletes Are Overpaid Essay

1088 Words3 Pages

Eden DeAtley
Mrs. Hacker
Honors English 9
21 March 2014
Why Are Athletes Overpaid?
Why are athletes so overpaid? Fans can blame themselves. They are the main reason why athletes are making so much money. Hasn’t everyone gone to watch a live sports event and found themselves paying a large sum of money not just for the event, but for the overpriced food and beverages that are provided at the game? By going to the game and spending hard earned money the spectators are providing the athletes with the millions of dollars they earn every year. It’s not the athlete’s fault that they are overpaid. Some athletes are much better than others at handling the money they make. Some athletes sponsor charity events and lend their fame to fundraisers, while others spend their money partying and living a very lavish lifestyle. Despite a common belief that athletes are grossly overpaid, the fans continue to crave entertainment and thus provide them with the money.
Athletes are overpaid. Athletes as a whole don’t offer society anything that helps improve society. Unlike doctors, policemen, firefighters, teachers and other occupations that are necessary for order and safety on a daily basis. Being a professional athlete has no real value to society as a whole, they just provide a way for people to waste their time and money. Sports players don’t spend their days saving peoples lives or fighting a war across the world to keep this country safe. In no way is the distribution of money and wealth to the players fair. Paying athletes $13.5 million for a single year is just not justifiable(Herald). Think about all the other jobs out there that provide a real service; like teachers, responsible for educating our youth or doctors who save lives ev...

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...d dollars. In truth, the people of America are providing them with their outrageous amounts of money because they simply cannot give up their amusements. Despite the many complaints of athletes being overpaid, they do work very hard on a day to day basis. They condition and practice and travel extensively. But shouldn’t the athlete’s enjoy playing the game and not be so concerned about the money part. If any should be paid it should be the college athletes since they actually have to manage a sport in between the school work and juggling a job. It’s very hard being an athlete and training every day to become successful and hope that one day you will make a living becoming a professional athlete. That’s everyone’s dream right? To become someone famous & make tons of money doing something enjoyable. It should be the love of the game and not the money that matters.

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