Who Is The Wrong Person In The Great Gatsby

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The great Gatsby is a story happened in the last century 20s of American society. The era is called the jazz age. In Fitzgerald own words, "this is an age of miracles, an era of art, an era of money, is also an era full of irony." Gatsby lost his heart to a beautiful lady named Daisy when he was young. But he lost her at that time because he was poor and he forced to the war. When he came back from the war. He did business in an illegal way, and made a fortune. He does everything just for Daisy. He wanted to marry with Daisy. But at last he didn’t win Daisy’s love and dead for Daisy. How this tragedy produce? Is wrong love or love the wrong person?It mainly influenced by Gatsby’s money view and love view. Now, I'm going to analyze …show more content…

When Gatsby was young he was not rich, he is just a major military officer. He fell in love with a girl called Daisy, Daisy also loved him. After the First World War broke out, Gatsby was transferred to Europe. Whether it is accidental or inevitable, Daisy so break up with him, and with a dude come high-rolling families was married to Tom. Daisy married life is not happy, because Tom have another mistress. The satisfaction of material does not fill the Daisy spiritual emptiness. Gatsby in agony, he believes that money let Daisy betrayed the purity of mind, so determined to become a millionaire. After a few years, Gatsby finally succeeded. He built a building near the Daisy's house. Gatsby wished to attract the attention of Daisy, to redeem the lost love. Under Tom's play, the cause of his mistress's husband shot and killed Gatsby. Gatsby finally became the victim. He had failed to see Daisy. Gatsby died for Daisy. Gatsby's tragedy is that he put everything to his beautiful dream weaving. Daisy, as the embodiment of his ideal, but only has a beautiful body. His ideal is materialism, but beyond material itself, is a pure ideal. Daisy for Gatsby is not just a dream lover, but the source of his dream. Although Gatsby clearly recognized "her voice was full of money", but still not change …show more content…

It mainly caused by Gatsby’s wrong concepts of money and love. Love is not wrong, what went wrong is that era is full of the smell of money and riches, human nature overcame love. Money not means everything. It can't buy happiness and marriage. Money is not the only thing to sustain love. In fact, company is the longest confession of love. Even if you have nothing, you are strong enough to create a better future together. When you want something, let your desire flood will never get it. How far between dream and reality? As the distance between two people’s hearts. Gatsby's failure, because he was too love, and he can't control himself. At the same time, he is too pride. These two reasons doomed he not content to meet with Daisy, he wants to retake Daisy, and let Daisy personally told Tom that she doesn't love him, to own Daisy completely. Of course, Daisy loved Gatsby, but that is the past, Daisy to Tom's feelings also true. He used to love clinging to them, confident with their huge pay without reservation, indulge in their true love. He eager to let Daisy decided to give up Tom and give up everything, and live with himself reasonably. However, it is impossible. In fact, he failed. On the other hand, it suggested America dream

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