Who Is The Nurse In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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The novel I read, was One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, which was written by Ken Kesey, in 1962. This novel relates to the healthcare field, because it’s about patients in a mental institution and what they do there. The protagonists of the novel are Randle McMurphy, Chief Bromden, and Nurse Ratched. Secondary characters such as Harding, Billy Bibbit, and Cheswick also play vital roles in the novel, being part of McMurphy’s group. The characters don’t have any biological connections. Billy, Bromden, McMurphy, and Harding, are all part of the same ward in the mental institution. Nurse Ratched is the head nurse, and she is the one who made the primary decisions of what happens at the ward. Nurse Ratched is a very controlling person, and she wants …show more content…

Before McMurphy and Bromden are first sent up to the disturbed ward, Ratched asks him to apologize. She tells him that if he apologizes, she’ll forgive them and let them stay in the ward. McMurphy’s pride and arrogance doesn’t allow him to do so, which leads to him getting an abundant amount of electroshock therapy. If I was in McMurphy’s position I would do do it differently, and apologize to Nurse Ratched, so I could avoid trouble. Reason being, first of all the conflict would’ve gone down and McMurphy wouldn’t have gotten punished. Second of all, owning up to your actions, and apologizing makes you take control over your pride. Bear Grylls once said, “A man's pride can be his downfall, and he needs to learn when to turn to others for support and guidance”. McMurphy’s pride and arrogance ultimately leads to his downfall. If he owned up to it he could’ve had a different outcome. The electroshock made him more crazy, and therefore he committed more insane things. If he apologized from the beginning, things could’ve turned out different. He probably wouldn't have gotten lobotomized and the events leading to Billy’s death, probably wouldn't have occurred. That’s why I would apologize and avoid the trouble that I would be …show more content…

The 60’s were a great time for rebellion and people fighting for their rights. From the civil rights movement, to the music, to the general feeling that people had. Ken Kesey expresses this attitude, through his characters. In the words of Chief, to beat the combine. People have to fight, in order to gain their freedom and rights. The novel expresses the theme of society, and the oppression that emanates from it. The people at the ward were under the tyrannical rule of Nurse Ratched. Similar to what people were facing at that time from the government and other jurisdiction. The actions of the characters and their behavior, helped reveal the chaos that was happening in the world. The effects that war can have on people and what mental effects it can have on them. Kasey, wanted people to learn from these characters, how to step outside the bounds of society to stand up for yourself and get your rights. Based on what what was happening around the time of the novel, the theme and characters perfectly fit into the lives of people around that time. It still applies today, many people face different struggles, or are shunned by society. Some of them still fight to get their rights, such as people part of the LGBT community. They may not meet, societal standards, but they still want their rights. The feeling or rebelliousness, and the freedom to certain rights, are

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