Who Is The Hero In Hi Arigon Starr's Super Indian

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Volume One of the comic book Super Indian opens with character descriptions of all the major characters and proceeds to tell three distinct stories. In the first very brief story, Super Indian, a hero that protects the Leaning Oak Reservation, saves a girl named Tillie Thunder from the grasps of a giant, evil German anthropologist. In the second story, Hubert Logan, the alter ego of “Super Indian,” creates a blog where he goes by the name “Rez Boy” and makes spiteful comments about people around the reservation. Members of the community are outraged and the matter spirals out of control. Both Hubert’s best friend and a shadowy figure impersonate “Rez Boy;” his friend is trying to help him, while his new enemy uses this as a complicated way to blow up the bingo hall. In the nick of time, Super Indian puts all the clues together and saves the day. In the third and final story, Super Indian goes against his biggest foe, The Circle of Evil. In a complicated scheme, they create a giant metal robot known as Technoskin to wreak havoc on the reservation and its people. The person as the center of the crime is Derek Thunder, Super Indian’s arch-nemesis who has the same powers as he does. Super Indian destroys the robot. …show more content…

Starr uses a lot of modern humor and pop culture references to appeal to a young audience and to bring Native American representation into the modern day. In between the issues, Starr including “Real Life Super Indians” which told about the lives of famous Native Americans, which gave the book some extra weight. Visually, the comic book is drawn very brightly that is invocative of its light and fun tone. The comic book could have easily resulted in negative stereotypes under the wrong hands, but Starr is able to make a fun romp that deeply appreciates and celebrates the

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