Who Is Reverend Parris Greedy In The Crucible

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Scapegoating people to gain power has been around for centuries. Many people are persecuted even though they did nothing to provoke others. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible to enlighten readers on how greedy people acted and how vengeful they were. Reverend Parris showed both these traits in extreme measure in the play. Reverend Parris supports the witch trials because he wants more power, he is greedy, and he wants revenge. Foremost, Parris is very concerned about his position and power in Salem because he has two afflicted children. His fear of power loss is so great that he fears being thrown from Salem;¨...They will howl me out of Salem for such corruption in my house¨(Miller I. 145). Parris is fearful of his name and power in Salem being taken because of the girls actions. He believes that the people of Salem will throw him out of his home for these sins. Parris is scared that Abigail will speak of witchcraft and blacken his name in Salem as this quote suggest,¨Go directly home and speak nothing of unnatural causes¨(Miller I. 142). Abigail is a lying snitch and Parris fears that she will speak about unholy causes. Parris’ name, if blackened, would surely get him kicked out of the church, and kicked out of Salem. …show more content…

Greed is running through Salem and the history of Salem’s greed is bringing new quarrels into the town amongst families(Miller I. 154). The land greed in Salem leads to more hatred and anger in the city. This greed greatly affect who is accused in the witch trials. Land is a huge problem in Salem’s witch hunt because if someone is arrested their land can be bought , this is a huge reason why so many were accused(Miller,”The Crucible”). The land is so extravagant in size due to how important agriculture was in America. This problem was constant in Salem’s witch trials. Land distribution is a major problem in Salem’s community because it starts feuds and

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