Who Is Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Love is like a seed, it takes time to nurture and grow; but if rushed, it can lead to disastrous consequences. In the play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet are two star-crossed lovers that marry within 24 hours of meeting each other. Romeo is ultimately responsible for his own death, he influenced Juliet to marry him, and partially caused Juliet to commit suicide. Romeo’s ability to love too easily is his fatal flaw; but his ambitious love can catch on to others. Before Juliet encountered Romeo, she was a very witty, logical thinker. For example in Act 1, Scene 3 Juliet responds back to her mother “I’ll look to like, if looking liking move. But no more deep will I endart mine eye. Than your consent gives strength to make it fly.” Juliet basically says, if Paris appeals to me then I will love him; but if not then I will not love him. After meeting Romeo, she is less logical and is more …show more content…

His impatient heart does not allow him to think of others, and he does not think of consequences of his actions. When he sneaks up unto Juliet’s balcony, he is completely naive of what will happen to him or Juliet if he is caught in Capulet territory. Also, When he marries Juliet, he does not think of the consequences of the marriage; he completely ignores the fact that Juliet is from the Capulets. Romeo’s selfishness also shows when he threatens to kill himself in Friar’s chamber; and when he eventually kills himself at the end of the in front of Juliet without even checking her vitals. Romeo's immaturity is evident in his relationship with Juliet; he asks Juliet to marry him within 24 hours of meeting her. Even before he met Juliet he was immature, he was crying about a girl, who just dumped him minutes before he fell head over heels for Juliet. His immaturity and selfishness also ties into the fact of his ability to love

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