Who Is Responsible For Pignati's Death

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It’s All Your Fault!

How could you live your life knowing you were responsible for a sweet, old man’s death? In the book The Pigman by Paul Zindel, John and Bobo are the two assassins responsible for Mr. Pignati’s tragic death. Although there are many other factors including the hospital letting Mr. Pignati out early, Lorraine, Conchetta, and others, John and Bobo still . The inferior, isolated old man didn’t deserve to be taken advantage of, but he was. Others may disagree; however, don’t worry, there’s proof!

Now let's talk about John… John Conlan is irresponsible, immature, and extremely careless. He is the main reason The Pigman is no longer with us. In the book, John said, “Everything that happened from then on Lorraine blames me for, and maybe she’s right.” John knows he was the reason Mr. Pignati’s life ended when it did. The reader most likely understands that he didn't mean to hurt Mr. Pignati, but he still did. John should have never taken advantage of Mr. Pignati in the first place by asking for a donation. As the story went on, John got worse. However, John didn’t do it alone, there was one more person who is responsible for Mr. Pignati’s death. …show more content…

As Mr. Pignati said, “I want you to meet Bobo. My best friend.” This proves how much the chimp meant to him. When everything else wasn’t working out for Mr. Pignati, Bobo was always there to cheer him up. Until the day when he needed him most. John and Lorraine took the old man to the zoo to see Bobo, but he wasn’t there. As soon as Mr. Pignati heard the news, he literally dropped dead. Yes, Bobo is a chimp and he can’t really help it that it was his time to go, but he was such a big part of Mr. Pignati’s

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