Who Is Responsible For Bob Ewell's Death

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MAYCOMB COUNTY- Maycomb resident Bob Ewell was killed last Saturday, when attempting to kill two children of a man who angered him in a court case. His attempt was on the street while the two children were walking home from Maycomb High School after a Pageant late at night. Both children lived but with one of them injured.

As Jean Louise "Scout" Finch and Jeremy "Jem" Finch were walking from the pageant, they would hear somebody's footsteps following them. Every time they stopped to listen, the person would also stop. "Cecil Jacobs. He scared us once tonight, an' we thought it was him again" says Scout Finch. However they soon realized that it wasn’t Cecil.

As they approached the oak tree by their house that’s when it happened. Bob Ewell ran at Scout …show more content…

Ewell was tryin’ to squeeze me to death, I reckon…then somebody yanked Mr. Ewell down” Scout Finch states. While Bob Ewell was trying to kill Scout, Arthur (Boo) Radley grabbed him and got him off Scout. Then, Mr. Ewell was killed by a knife.

Sheriff Heck Tate of Maycomb county claims “Bob Ewell fell on his knife. He killed himself.” However, the father of the two children, Atticus Finch, who got into this quarrel with Mr. Ewell thinks otherwise. He thinks that Jem, his son, pulled Bob off Scout and stole Bob’s knife and stabbed him with it after hearing Scout Finch’s side of the story. Even though due to the darkness of the night, she didn’t know for sure who pulled Bob off her. She just assumed it was him. How Bob Ewell died, we will not know without further investigating and questioning.

Scout Finch came out of the attempted murder scene unscathed. That credit would go to the costume that she wore for the pageant she participated in earlier in the night. It was made out of chicken wire helping her survive the slashing with Ewell’s knife. The costume was later investigated proving the fact that he tried to kill her with the knife. It was also smashed up from Bob tackling her and trying to suffocate

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