How Is Scout Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The novel that will be discussed in then next few paragraphs will be the well known To Kill A Mocking Bird written by Harper Lee. The shown theme of the essay is Scouts loss of innocence as the novel progresses. Scout, the main character of the novel is put in front of many obstacles in order to see the innocence slowly fade before her eyes in to a box of racial, prejudice, single story evils. This is clearly portrayed throughout the novel to show how many different events can contribute to these ideas. There are many factors that contribute to these ideas such as the results of the court case that made scout see the world differently. Even when Jem said the sentence "There's four kinds of folks in the world. There's the ordinary kind, like us and the neighbors, there's the kind like the Cunninghams out in the woods, the kind like the Ewells down at the dump, and the Negros."(302) Scout was influenced by this sentence because she looked up to her brother. That one sentence changed her point of view on her way of life. Instead of just seeing the world the way she had thought it up to be in her head, this single story implanted a new idea in to her head, affecting the way she thought. Scouts innocence though seemed to be attacked countless times by the evil that progresses in the book is not destroyed in the end because she is able to overcome the obstacles in her way to see the goodness in life and is able to overlook the single story told to her about Boo Radley when he finally reveals himself. Firstly, Scout, also known as Jean Louise finch is able to overcome the obstacles in her way to see the goodness in life because the evils demonstrated numerous times in the novel doesn’t destroy her innocence. As the novel progresses thro... ... middle of paper ... by the evil that progresses in the book is not destroyed in the end because she is able to overcome the obstacles in her way to see the goodness in life and is able to overlook the single story told to her about Boo Radley when he finally reveals himself. This is because Jem is able to save Scouts innocence because many evils that were turned in to hope, restoring Scouts innocence once some of it was lost. Also, Scout was able to see Boo Radley once he was revealed in a different perspective showing that even when hope is lost innocence can always be restored giving Scout a chance to see the world from her eyes, without anybody else’s influences in all its goodness. In the end Scouts innocence raised from the box of racial, prejudice, single story evils showing her that not all people are bad and that if you keep holding on to hope your innocence can be restored.

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