White Tailed Deer Thesis

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White-tailed Deer; the Majestic Pest Thesis: White-tailed deer populations should be managed because they inflict crop damage, damage to forest ecosystems, and they spread disease. Although white-tailed deer are considered to be a beautiful animal by many people, overpopulation is causing problems. White-tailed deer populations should be managed because they inflict crop damage, damage to forest ecosystems, and they spread disease (Rooney, 2010 & Rawinski, 2008). White-tailed deer have a high reproduction rate. This causes the population to rise at a high rate. For example, when deer populations reach these high numbers, they begin to cause damage. Deer need to eat, and farm crops are an easy source of food for them. White-tailed deer inflict a vast amount of damage on crops (Rooney, 2010). White-tailed deer also affect our forest ecosystems (Rawinski, 2008). Deer over browse saplings and young trees, possibly causing them to die (Rawinski, 2008). …show more content…

In many areas of the United States, white-tailed deer have changed the structure and composition by feeding on select plant species (Pursell, et. al., 2013). White-tailed deer are “grazers by choice, browsers by necessity” (Rawinski, 2008, p. 2). Because deer are browsers, they may eat until there is no browse left, causing the plants and trees to die. Therefore, when deer populations reach high densities, they may change the appearance and ecology of forest vegetation (Rawinski, 2008, p. 2). This alteration is affecting a company’s ability “to participate in the growing marketplace for certified, or green, forest products” (Rawinski, 2008, p. 2).The reduction of the impact of deer herbivory on our forests is important if we are going to maintain resilient and functioning forests (Pursell, et. al., 2013). If the white-tailed deer population is not managed, it may continue to cause damage to our forests on a large

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