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Sharon Watkins earned her 15 minutes of fame the honest way, as the Enron employee who blew the lid off of then CEO Ken Lay's debauchery. But for every celebrated whistleblower, there are hundreds who remain in the shadows. And for good Samaritans who do tell their tale, the price they pay can be exorbitant.

Whistleblowers perform in many careers and are found at all levels of an organization: scientists and secretaries, lawyers and paralegals, managers and staff, security personnel and computer specialists, etc. They are as varied in age, ethnic background, education, profession, sex, and income as the population at large.

Whistleblowing is a relatively recent entry into the vocabulary of politics and public affairs, although the type of behavior to which it refers is not wholly new. How is it defined? Whistleblowing refers to a warning issued by a member or former member of an organization to the public about a serious wrongdoing or danger created or concealed within the organization. In a genuine case of whistleblowing, the whistleblower would have to have unsuccessfully utilized all appropriate channels within the organization to right a wrong. Many view whistleblowing as an external action to an unresponsive organization and reporting more as an internal process, done through organizational channels. I believe one would have to

unsuccessfully exhaust all the internal channels of communication before "going public." ...

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...rity and destroys the personal and professional lives of the whistleblower.

They perform a selfless and valuable service for society. They strive to protect our government, enforce its enacted laws, and promote society's stated ethics. This is all done at great risk to themselves, their careers, and their loved ones. Without their acts of courage, our world would be a more dangerous, deceitful and difficult place.


The World Of Whistleblowers: Are They Sinners Or Saints? by Jacqueline P. Taylor, Esq.

Whistle Blower Protection by John Steven Niznik

Whistleblower from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Watergate Scandal from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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