What is the lesson learned from Ancient Mariner

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The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is the first of many stories in this time era of the Romantics. It is a very different story from any other authors in this era for the dark and eerie sense that is told in the story. Samuel Taylor Coleridge gives his readers a new look on the Romantics in the rimes. There are seven rimes, which could be seven chapters to tell the story. First we are in the present day; at a wedding the ancient mariner is telling his story to all the people. Then, we jump into the story he tells them. It is about how he was cursed when he shot the albatross and messed with Mother Nature. So Mother Nature made put the dead bird around his neck and death and her maiden came for a visit. All of the other sailors on the ship suddenly died in the presence of death while the mariner was stuck in a no wind zone. He begins to pray and feel remorse for killing the bird, so the bird falls off his neck and death brings his old sailors partially back to life so he can get home. This is the first time zombies have ever been imagined. Once he gets home, he begins his lifelong penanc...

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