What are Banned Books? Fahrenheit 451

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Many books have been questioned and challenged. Even as far as to banning them. But what exactly is a banned book and why are they banned? A banned book is a book that has been censored by an authority, a government body, a library, or a even school system. A book that has been banned is actually removed from a library or school system. The actual contextual reasons as to banning them is use of explicit violence, gore, sexuality, explicit language, religion, or dark times in history. On the non-contextual side of the reason why they are banned books are usually because with the best intentions to protect people, frequently children, from difficult philosophies and information. Teachers, or even more common adults, often censor books from children if they feel that the books have maniacal or controversial ideas in them. In some scenarios, those who are censoring books think that a book might be appropriate for a certain, or several groups in society. A book that might be perfectly fine for a ninth grader might easily be horrendous or confusing to a fourth grader. Thus having them exposed and influenced to thinking a certain way and act upon what they have just read. Well at least that’s what people think is going to happen anyways. But honestly, reading books of any genre gives us knowledge, entertainment, and imagination so therefore no books or novels should be banned and is ultimately dependent on the reader’s choice.
The novel’s protagonist is Guy Montag, a “fireman” in an unspecified futuristic society where he and his other fireman start fires, rather than put them out. Which brings situational irony because in our modern world firemen are supposed to extinguish fires not start them. Books are banned and burned upon discove...

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...a tremendous amount of persuasion to tide someone away from their faith. Once again it’s just used to make a great book because it makes it stick out like a sore thumb and people usually don’t like controversy.
Additionally, Fahrenheit 451 showed explicit words and contents strictly not suitable for young readers. It has banned in many schools and even the governments of other countries banned them. It is not useful as they think a book should be since it contains offending words. Parents also filed complaints which furthermore led to prohibiting Bradbury’s work. Certain people think swear words corrupts minds of those who could read it. Which is understandable but the cursing in this book represented people in our world as well as anger. A single individual cannot express blazing fury through non curse words which Montag used throughout to show is viciousness.

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