What You Pawn I Will Redeem Analysis

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Characters and individuals struggle with their identity which becomes a huge conflict with their culture. Fitting in to your culture and society can be challenging as the world we live in changes with time and as cultures keep their strong values. Fitting in to society can be a challenge on its own, but still following your strong culture beliefs and fitting in is a struggle that is faced by many.

In the story “What you Pawn, I will Redeem”, the main character, Jackson, embarks on a journey to reclaim his grandmother's stolen powwow regalia, a quest that becomes a journey toward fulfillment and personal identity. Along the way, Jackson's interactions with friends and strangers help fill in the details of his life and his character. As a homeless Spokane Indian far from home and without family, Jackson's mission to reclaim his family heirloom becomes a link to his past, his future, and his cultural identity. During his journey not only this he find himself and who he is, he found out a lot about his culture and where he came from. Finding out …show more content…

Growing up in a certain culture you have some strict rules to follow as they have been the same for many, many years. For an example, in Christianity, you are supposed to wait until marriage to have sex, but it this society you don't see that very often. How do you fit in with society, yet still follow your culture values? That can be quite the struggle. Just in my 25 years things have changed drastically. People of the same sex can get married in many states, gay couples are adopting, and transgender is very popular even in the famous world. In the story I read, a young girl is stuck between being a kid and living an adult life. It is very hard to live and survive on a one paycheck job. In the society she is growing up in she has to stay home and take care of her siblings while her mother is working 3 jobs. She is an outsider because other kids her age cannot relate to

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