What Would Happen If The King Had Authority Essay

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Do you think the king of England had authority over everybody in the colonies? After all it was him that had given the colonists permission to go to America.The king wanted to have the first English colony in America.It was his idea to go to America in the first place.One final reason is, that the king sent a governor to each colony.
The first reason is that the king sent governors to each colony.He gave the colonists permission to go to The New World.He left them alone for about 100 years.The king paid for the voyage to this “new land.”But the pilgrims weren’t the first ones here.The king had authority because he was responsible for sending protection.In conclusion the leader of England had to send more colonists that were helpful to the colony,which means he had rule over them.
Another reason is that the king issued a charter for every colony.This shows that the king has power over them because he is giving them important people to make their public announcements. Without the king the colonist wouldn’t even survive on their own, because he sent more people so they wouldn’t all die.He gave them important people that were important in order to make an efficient government.He sent troops to the colonies to protect the colonists because the Indians and colonist wouldn’t stop …show more content…

All men have a right to remain in a state of nature as long as they please; and in case of intolerable oppression, civil or religious, to leave the society they belong to, and enter into another.The colonists entered into a society by voluntary consent.Overall,you can see that the colonists had their rights, their side of their story and some justification on their rebellion against

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