What Makes Us Moral Analysis

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Its nature
From the day we have the capability of speaking we are taught what is right from what is wrong; why is it that once we grow older that we are tempted to make decisions that hurt others? When people are children they are not exposed to the same things that they are when they become educated adults. By nature people genuinely want to be good, but because of the effects of society they are lead to the path of evil.
From the beginning of time people were destined to follow the path of kindness. In the book of Genesis God made Adam and Eve with the intentions of them portraying to be in his image, good. The book of Genesis says " So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created …show more content…

Most people can not relate so something unless they have personally also gone through it, so when someone does evil things to others they are mostly unaware on how it affects others negatively. In the article "What Makes us Moral" Kluger states "The deepest foundation of morality is built is the phenomenon of empathy, the understanding that what hurts me would feel the same way to you" (Kluger,8). Once someone is able to relate and empathize with another person they are less likely to enact on something evil , because they know how it would feel if it was to happen to them. The people of this world also try to determine who is worthy of doing a good deed for. If people began to see each other in the same light and all as equals there would be more kindness in the world. In "What Makes us Moral" Kluger also says is " Our species has a very conflicted sense of when we ought to help someone, and when we ought not, and the general rule is. help those close to home, and ignore those far away" (Kluger,16). This goes on to show that people are taught that they can only do good for those who do good unto them, or those who are close to them. Society teaches us when it is okay to do kind things and when it is "okay" to make a evil

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