What It Means To Be An Individual

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Individuality seems to be something that almost everyone struggles with throughout their entire lives. We always strive to be this “individual” and unique person, yet it is so difficult in a world where we constantly strive to be accepted. We, as a society, believe that everyone should be accepted the way that they are but then we are the ones who patronize and turn them away for doing so. Everyone has a different idea of what it is to be an individual. The exact definition of individualism is “the quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others of the same kind, especially when strongly marked.” Many people, including myself, believe that to be an individual you must have the capacity to think for yourself. The ability to create and shape your own ideas, all while still appreciating and understanding others …show more content…

I was constantly moving around and especially in my younger years all I wanted was to fit in. I felt the need to conform to the latest trends, listen to the most popular music, and tried way to hard to be a person that I was not. It took many years, but finally I believe that I am an individual. I have my own opinions, all of which I have formed without the influence of others. I wear what I like, not what is popular in society. I listen to the type of music that I like, even though it is a compilation of bands that many have not heard of before. All of these help to shape me into the person that I am today. I credit this to the fact that I moved around so much. While I may have struggled for a period of time where I constantly felt the need to fit in, I came to a realization that people were not going to be my friend just because I conformed. I started to become my own person, and honestly I found making friends to become even easier. People seem to judge others for being different, yet at the same time we are intrigued by their

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