What Is Zeus Role In Ancient Egypt

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Zeus was a god of the sky and weather. “He was also known as the King of the gods and a ruler of mankind as he influenced the natural law and order of the cosmos.” () Although, he could pretty much intervene in every decision made by any of other gods, he had no control over the fates. Zeus was naturally the most respected and awed god by both gods and mortals. He was caring and protected his family, often intervening and making peace between them, and was as also known as wise, fair and honest, always striving for justice. However, he was fierce in punishing those who tried to escape oaths and laws. “Despite being almost a perfect icon in the Greek culture, he is also known to be quite naive in many of his many love affairs and that made him very unpredictable in terms of malice, such as kidnapping, cannibalism and murder.” …show more content…

Egyptian Gods and goddesses, like Isis, were always depicted as young, beautiful and healthy. Following the death of her husband Osiris she took on the role of a goddess of the dead and of funeral rites. She was both the sister and wife of Osiris but in ancient Egypt incest was acceptable in the lives of the Egyptian Gods as it kept the sacred bloodline of the gods. Isis was also regarded as the mother and protector of the Pharaohs. Isis was the daughter of Geb and Nut and became the consort of her brother Osiris, their son was Horus. Isis is generally depicted as one of the human-like goddesses and is depicted with a crown or headdress that resembled steps but been the royal throne of Egypt, occasionally she was illustrated with a crown consisting of cow horns enclosing a sun disk. Other representation display her as a bird, the kite, above the mummified body of her murdered husband Osiris. According the ancient Egyptian mythology it was Isis who retrieved and reassembled the body of Osiris after it was cut into pieces by their evil, jealous brother

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