What Is The Tone Of Bhagavad Gita

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There are many types of religion that each one of us believes in. Some of the religions that people believe in are: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and many more. Most of the religions are based on the belief. Each religion has its own reference book that reminds people or believers of the rules and regulations, and tells stories that delivers a moral lesson; Some of the books are: Koran and Bhagavad-Gita. The Koran is the central religious text of Islam which Muslims believe to be a revelation from god. It is widely regarded as the finest piece of literature in the Arabic language. Koranic chapters are called suras and verses are called ayahs. On the other, The Bhagavad-Gita or “song of the Lord” is often referred to as simply the …show more content…

The “night” sura’s theme is to distinguish between the two different ways of life and to explain the contrast between their ultimate ends and results. The connotation of the sura is positive. The style is poetic ad prose. The tone of the sura is serious because of the choice of words or diction. Some of the examples of the diction that helped in identifying are: “avail, affliction, salvation, blazing fire, purify, recompense, and hardened sinner”. The suras structure is divided into three paragraphs. The first paragraph mainly has personification. For example, in the first verse night Is personified as letting “her darkness fall” which gives the effect of gloom. Followed by a juxtaposition (the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect) “radiant day” which gives the effect of hope. The second paragraph is a cause and effect. It says that if one does good, one will receive good and same goes for being bad by stating “As for him who was niggardly and lived as though he was independent (of God) and belied goodness, for him We shall facilitate the hard way”. In the third paragraph is a warning from god to the sinner and a positive message to the people who are good and preform almsgiving. At the end, the moral lesson of the “Night” sura is that all people must stay away from the evil and all people should be

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