What Is The Theme Of Appearance Vs Reality In Macbeth

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Emily Romano
Ms. Harrison
ENG 2D1-08
May 7, 2015

Appearance vs. reality in Macbeth

The world is governed more by appearance then realities, so that it is fully as necessary to seem to know something, as to know it.” (Daniel Webster) This depicts the theme that reality can sometimes be overlooked by first judgment, when appearance is not really the reality of someone or something. The theme appearance vs. reality influences the characters and situations of the play. William Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a story that takes place in the Scotland of medieval times. It is a play displaying acts of destruction, damage, violence and betrayal. Although many of the characters seem loyal and caring, the theme paints a clear picture of whom the characters …show more content…

In act two the Thane of Cowdar also known as Macbeth, has Duncan at his house while planning his ultimate demise. Macbeth did not want to kill anyone but Lady Macbeth manipulates him into doing so by insulting him with harsh comments about his manhood. This act of murder by Macbeth depicts the theme appearance vs. reality because Duncan respected and trusted in Macbeth. Duncan shows his respect to Macbeth through an act of kindness, “he hath been in unusual pleasure and sent forth great largess to your offices. This diamond he greets your wife withal”. (II, I, ii 13-15) (Act 2 scene 1) In this quote Banquo shows that Duncan had a good time and that he appreciates what Macbeth and his wife had done for him. But what Duncan doesn’t know is that it was all a facade so that Macbeth could commit his violent act, this relates to the theme because it demonstrates that the appearance wasn’t the reality. Next Macbeth commits the murderous act of killing Duncan. This shows the reality of Macbeth’s character in the play and how easily he can be manipulated by Lady Macbeth; “I go and it is done… Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven or to hell” (II, I, ii 62-64) (Act 2 scene 1) In this quote we are shown that Macbeth didn’t turn out to be the generous pe|rson Duncan thought he was. In this situation Duncan let his guard down and Macbeth quickly grabbed the perfect opportunity to kill him. Macbeth’s relationship …show more content…

In this case, most of the time in the play Macbeth the appearance of a character was not the reality. As shown in Lady Macbeths evil thoughts, the Thane of Cowdars betraying actions, and lastly Macbeths bloodthirsty nature. These characters in the play seemed to be something they did not end up being, which proves the theme of the play. Sometimes people take first judgment on someone and do not consider other factors, in the play the reader is given an appearance of these characters and we create our own image of what they shall be like. In the end many are surprised and shocked as to what the reality ended up being, even some of the characters themselves. "Don 't let appearances fool you. There 's always only one reality!" (Haruki

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