What Is The Risk Of A Hot Air Balloon Festival

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At the Hot Air Balloon Festival in Plainville, CT, natural risks that accompany the 3 day event are primarily weather conditions. Weather such as rain, wind, extreme heat, the surrounding environment of the park where the festival is located, and also lightning, are the major risks involved. These risks have the potential to damage the balloons and the fireworks and cause delays or cancellations in the festival. Heat can also damage food concessions and other products being offered by vendors. The people attending the festival are at danger if lightning or extreme winds destroy trees, causing them to fall on people, the event, or even nearby vehicles or cars. The ways to manage these natural risks could be tents around the vendors, balloons, fireworks, or for the public to protect against rain. An alternative to tents is the construction of …show more content…

For example, payment methods and the preference of credit cards, cash, or even checks by the vendors. Also, depending on the popularity of the festival each year, some sponsors my opt out, leading to the reduction of vendors at the festival. Another is the transportation by the Dattco bus company, they may choose to discontinue their services, leaving those who left their car in a public parking lot, stranded. The constant source for electricity for the attractions like the bands, vendors, and crafters. Lastly, the quality of products such as the fireworks or the quantity of the balloons may not fit the needs of number of people attending, posing as a risk. Ways to handles these risks are ATM stations set up so that the public can use cash only for the vendors and concessions. To keep the sponsors and bus company entitled to their services, contracts could be formed by the leaders of the festival. For the electricity issue, the use of generators and a separate areas for the holding of gasoline is a way to manage that

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