What Is The Overall Message Of Battle Royal By Ralph Ellison

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In the story of Battle Royal, Ralph Ellison shows us various things to bring our attention to the pain that himself and many others of his race suffered during that time. I enjoyed reading Battle Royal; I feel Ellison’s overall message in telling this story was not only to bring light to the suffering that he and others of his race suffered but also to encourage his readers to never give up hope. Throughout his fight during the Royal Battle, there were several times he wanted to give up, stop fighting and go home, but he didn’t. Although he was terribly fearful of the fight, he continued to fight and it paid off for him in the end. I feel I can relate to his story and his overall message. We encounter many fights and struggles in life …show more content…

Why is he still continuing to fight when he only came to give a speech? Throughout reading his description of his experience during the Battle Royal, I began to realize that his only focus was the bigger picture and the bigger picture was to give his speech. He describes to us how his day went from joy and excitement to give his speech to the pain and humiliation he felt after the fight was over. Throughout the process he felt fear, physical pain and humiliation. He felt fear not only from the physical fight he was about to encounter but he also feared the crowd, the white men that came to watch him make a mockery of himself. He felt physical pain from the repeated blows to his face and body. He felt humiliation because the event itself seems very degrading. Men forced to fight, attack and destroy each other like wild animals, while the men in the crowd just sit and watch and laugh at them. Ellison felt that took away from the dignity of his speech (Pg. 269). Through it all, the one thing that remained on his mind no matter what he was going through was given his speech. Throughout the fight he never lost hope. His hope and determination to give his speech paid off for him, had he given up early on and didn’t participate in the fight he would have never received his great reward in the end of a full college …show more content…

Although he didn’t quite understand the words of his grandfather I think his interpretation of them is what help motivate him and encouraged him to continue to fight through his struggles to achieve greater things in life. I think his interpretation of his grandfather’s words “Live with your head in the lion’s mouth” (Pg. 268) is to take risk and continue to do things even when they seem fearful. “Overcome’em with yeses, undermine’em with grins, agree’em to death and destruction” I think his interpretation of that is to always be that yes man, always agree with the white man even when you truly disagree. Always be willing to go above and beyond to please that man and do whatever it takes to achieve what it is that you want from him. I think Ellison showed many examples of living out his grandfather’s last words, such as fighting in the Battle Royal even though he was fearful or the fact that he never really spoke his mind (Pg. 269). Instead he just spoke and acted in the way he felt the white people wanted him to act and they praised him for

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