What Is The Mood Of The Sound Of Waves By Yukio Mishima

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In The Sound of Waves (1954) by Yukio Mishima, Mishima weaves in the motif of the lighthouse throughout the novel. He constantly uses the lighthouse to show the progression of Shinji overcoming his problems and achieving his goals; Similarly, a lighthouse is considered a safe spot for boats. Mishima constantly describes the steep path towards the lighthouse to emphasize that all goals in life will be difficult to achieve. A lighthouse keeper and his wife live in the lighthouse as well. Since lighthouse keeper commonly guide the ships to safety, the lighthouse keeper and his wife symbolize guidance over the younger generation. Through the motif of the lighthouse and symbol of the lighthouse keeper and his wife throughout The Sound of Waves, …show more content…

Mishima recounts, “during those precious minutes between the observation tower and the lighthouse when he had been alone with [Hatsue]...he was left with nothing but a keen sense of regret...something...he...failed to do”(34). This scene reveals Shinji’s ambition for the entire novel. Mishima specifically describes that Shinji and Hatsue are alone together after the observation tower and before entering the lighthouse. That is because Shinji’s ultimate goal in the novel is to marry and become the love interest for Hatsue. Hatsue and Shinji finally being together in the lighthouse symbolizes this accomplishing moment, so this passage shows that Shinji is still very far from his goal. Shinji feels regret because in that moment, he is aware that the problem is present, but he has not achieved …show more content…

Mishima describes, “the path the boy followed up to the lighthouse had been turned into a mountain...washing away his footprints”(69). The path changes into a mountain to foreshadow Shinji's challenge becoming more difficult in the near future. His footprints wash away to symbolize that all of his progress so far will be undone. Mishima continues, “His...boots made walking difficult...he kept climbing,his face to the storm”(69). This shows that despite the difficulties of the adventure towards the lighthouse, Shinji embodies determination and continues to fight for his goal. At the end of the novel, Hatsue and Shinji are finally engaged. Shinji “go[es] to… the lighthouse to announce their engagement”(176). Mishima makes Shinji announce his engagement at the lighthouse to symbolize the meeting of his goal. A later passage says, “The path leading up to the lighthouse [is] steep. One of his hands [is] now free, so Shinji held the girl’s hand”(178). Mishima describes the steep path to show that the journey towards Shinji’s goal is long and difficult. His free hand symbolizes his overcoming of these challenges and taking Hatsue’s hand in

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