What Is The Celebration Of Christmas Essay

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Christmas are celebrated every 25th day of December. It is the season of love, fun, greetings and gifts. People are busy preparing for the coming Christmas. Schools, Companies, Government offices and any other establishments are also having their preparation to celebrate it. Everyone is juiced up for Christmas.
Last Saturday December 19, 2015, Genius English Proficiency Academy had their Christmas Party. But one week before the party staffs and teachers are giving gifts for each of their Manito/Manita something soft, hard, long and sweet. Until the Christmas party day came. Everybody came to the party prepared and well-dressed according to their team color, red, blue, green, silver and gold. The party started with …show more content…

It is the season of love, fun, greetings and gifts. People are busy preparing for the coming Christmas. Schools, Companies, Government offices and any other establishments are also having their Christmas party. Everyone is juiced up for Christmas. Last Saturday December 19, 2015, Genius English Proficiency Academy had their Christmas Party. But one week before the party staffs and teachers are giving gifts for each of their Manito/Manita something soft, hard, long and sweet. Until the Christmas party day came. Everybody came to the party prepared and well-dressed according to their team color, red, blue, green, silver and gold. The party started with the dinner. After the dinner, presentations followed. 1st presenter was the red team wearing Santa Claus hat. The presentation was started with a jolly performance. Well done! Let’s see what’s next. Oh! The next presenter was the gold team, with the goldy props and ribbon tight on their knee, head and wrist. Well ready. Hmm. 3rd is the silver team with the silver ribbon tight on their wrist. They sang the Christmas song with a heart. Hmm. And last but not the least presenter, is the green team. All team were doing good. Superb job! But before the judging time, let’s play games. Congrats winner! After the game, there was another presentation. Another presentation? Wow! Surprising huh? All I know is that those team presentations. Well, I bet it was a surprise presentation. Superb performance! Well done teachers. You really surprised us! It’s judging time. Who do you think who will win? Its team red, gold, silver and green? (Drum rolls,) The winner is (Drum rolls) SILVER TEAM! Congrats silver team. After that, there was a toss led by our Genius Academic head, Ms. Jen who gave an inspiring message to everyone. Toss for many years to cheers for genius! After the inspiring message, is giving out of gifts to each Manito / Manita. The most awaited part of the party is giving

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