What Is The American Dream Achievable?

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American Dream is American Dream is Achievable “Only in America can someone start with nothing and achieve the American Dream. That’s the greatness of this country” (“Rafael Cruz Quotes,” n.d.). This quote by Cruz reveals that America is one of the only places in the world where upward social mobility is possible, regardless of a person's background. Any person can achieve their dreams, no matter where they started or their social status. America has opportunities available to any and all who seek it. As the American Dream has changed slightly over history, the perception has changed from everyone’s own viewpoint. Therefore, it is important to examine the meaning and work ethic of the American Dream in the 21st century. The American …show more content…

America allows opportunities for anyone, no matter where one comes from or their social economic status. For instance, America takes pride in providing everyone with a fair opportunity to develop their own career and talents (Sawhill, 2018). Because America does not enforce a classist society, Americans do not have to uptake their family’s previous jobs or social class. America supplies infinite opportunities for people to take their passion and determination and use it in life and make it their own. Because their parents are one thing, does not mean their children have to follow in their footsteps, they have the opportunity to develop their careers on their own. This allows the American Dream to be achievable because of the fair opportunities given and the chance to make something for themselves. With this in mind, people see America as the land of opportunity. By working hard, students achieve high grades and spots at top universities. Everyone benefits when students earn their degrees, start working in local businesses and begin families because they all share the same aspirations(“Washington State House Democrats” [WSHD], 2013). This shows that America has the most opportunities, including some of the

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