What Is Smiling Therapy Essay

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Smiling Therapy Have you ever stopped in the street and, just for a moment, stared at people? I have. Most people are so involved in their working lives or studying harder than normal for their studies; they don’t even realize they’re drowning in a routine of stress, anxiety, pain and sadness. All I saw were frowns on their faces and tiredness drawn all over their bodies. Happiness became almost endangered is such a society. This living pattern is not only affecting once mental and physical health, but also other’s. People became hostile to each other and much more irritable. Scientists and psychologists have also noticed this change in nowadays citizens and have thought about several solutions in order to ease life on them and give …show more content…

They think about smiling as an essential everyday act, as a professional signature and not an emotion or a solution to their problems. They don’t know that smiling has many advantages on one’s health such as reinforcing the immune system. Smiling defends the body against illness and diseases. It medicates the body as it was proved that smiling releases natural pain killers in the body (Smith Melinda, and Jeanne Segal. "Laughter is the Best Medicine"). In the case of head cancer, for example, the intensity of the smile in a patient’s face is like a clinical indicator of psychosocial well-being (Lee J, 1). The more a patient is smiling, the more he or she is improving in his or her situation. But most of all, smiling helps us stay positive. It is a universal sign of …show more content…

Neurologist Henri Rubenstein found that one minute of solid laughter provides up to 45 minutes of subsequent relaxation. Moreover, the good feeling you get when you laugh subsides even after the laughter. It is a respite from sadness and pain. You can’t feel anxious or sad when you’re laughing. Many of the beneficial effects of laughter are mainly due to its effect on different regions of the brain. Studies have shown that brain regions normally involved in emotion respond to laughter. In addition, scientists have also discovered that your body has to use more muscles and work harder to frown than it does to smile. So, since it’s free and doesn’t make you work hard why don’t you just smile? As leader Douglas Horton said: “Smile, it’s free therapy.” To conclude my sayings, I would like to say that smiling is not only an act of kindness but also an incredible “cure” for stress and pain. Even if you see someone who doesn’t smile, smile at him or her! You never know how was his day, is he feeling alright or completely stressed out. You may brighten his or her day. You may be the one who gave him hope and alleviated his pain. A simple smile doesn’t cost anything but it means everything. It means there is still something to hold onto in this world. Smiling is really the best medicine. Just try it; you won’t be sad about

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