What Is Robotic Milking?

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Have you ever seen a robot that can milk on or even two cows at once? With robotic milkers life on the farm is easier. There are many reasons why robotics is helping the agricultural industry. Many dairy farmers are switching to robotic milkers for many reasons. These machines help improve quality and quantity of milk. These machines can pay for themselves in the long run. With out new technology such as robots, many people would not be dairy farming today.
If you ever want to see these machines in action, you can go to the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. The World Dairy Expo has more than 65,000 people from more than 90 countries that attend every year, and more than 2,500 cows and heifer that will be judged.(Sam Grobert 3) You can find many people that have put robotic milkers on their farm, or they have seen one of them work, or they work for a company that makes and distributes them. Most brands of robotic milkers will have people there to represent and tell about their product and how it works.
These Robotic milkers do not require any human labor while the cows are milk...

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