What Is Poe's Impact On The Fall Of The House Of Usher

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Edgar Allan Poe’s Author Biography in The Fall of the House of Usher Edgar Allan Poe’s life has captivated many. Along with his stories; the whole world has been entranced with him. His life and his works of literature such as The Fall of the House of Usher, cause an atmosphere of mystery that interests people. His life also influences his poems, novels and short stories, etc. Poe’s relationship his foster mother, Frances Allan, is alluded to and creates a deeper understanding of how significant Madeline is to Roderick Usher’s life. In The Fall of the House Of Usher, Poe’s relationship with his foster mother is hinted at throughout the pages. When researching Poe’s life, one can create a connection to the short story. Growing up, Poe was fostered and raised by the Allans and created a close mother-son relationship with Frances Allan. When he got older, he moved away and later learned “...Frances Allan, the only mother he had ever known was dying of tuberculosis” (Poe Museum 1). The person he was closest to was dying. Similar to Roderick Usher was experiencing in the short story. These two instances can be connected to each other …show more content…

When the connection is made between Allan and Madeline, one can further understand the bond between the Usher siblings. The relationship of Poe and his foster mother relates to Madeline and Usher. So with this biographical information of Poe, one can see just how much Usher is dependent on Madeline and the important influence she has on his life. Seeing how Poe was dependent on Allan causes a deeper understanding to why the relationship between Usher and Madeline was created the way it was. Poe describes his bond with his foster mother through the siblings therefore allowing the reasoning behind the relationship and a deeper understanding of the story. Hence Poe’s personal connection to the story adds more to The Fall of the House of

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