What Is Jane Elliot's A Class Divided?

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In society today, everyone is likely to experience some form of discrimination or prejudice. On April 15, 1968, a teacher in Riceville, Iowa named Jane Elliot conducted an experiment on her third grade class. The experiment conducted allowed students to experience first hand the concept of discrimination. The inspiration for this experiment followed the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and was documented as a movie titled, “A Class Divided”. It served as an eye opener for many individuals into the world of racism and discrimination. The term “racism”, is defined in the dictionary as doctrine that one race is more superior (Webster,1970) and “discrimination”, is defined as the denial of opportunities and equal …show more content…

The lesson demonstrated on the third graders seemed to have had a lasting impression on the children because when these students caught up later in their adult lives, some had mentioned the benefits that resulted in her lesson and how they were passing on the knowledge of anti-discrimination to their young ones. They also mentioned that there were instances when they had to ignore the ignorance of people who disapproved whites associating with blacks. This lesson had a lasting positive impression because it shaped them as an adult and the way they lived. Also each adult experienced what it was like to be discriminated because of their eye color. Children do not understand the concept of the word “discrimination” until they are put into that situation. For instance, when the blue eyed children were deemed superior than the brown eyed children, they acted as so. They were instructed not to speak to or play with the brown eyed children because they were better than that. As a result some students lost their friends during recess because of the rules put in place, a child even punched another student because they could not handle the …show more content…

Elliot separated the individuals once again based on their eye color and made the brown eyed adults feel superior over the blue eyed adults. The adults reacted differently to the experiment. In my opinion they did not view Elliot as an authoritative figure because they share the same age group, also because she was blue eyed just like the ones she deemed unfit and misbehaved. As a result the brown-eyed adults went along with everything Elliot said and felt a power of authority because they were told that they were better than the blue-eyed people. The objective of this experiment was not nearly as successful for the adults as it was for the third graders. The responses of the blue eyed adults honestly disgusted me because they acted as though they all know what it was like to fall victim to discrimination, their experience of discrimination was to a lesser

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