What Is Horatio In Hamlet

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William Shakespeare's tragic play, Hamlet, has many characters that are involved with the story. However, some characters observe more than others. One of these characters is Horatio. In the play Hamlet, Horatio is the person Hamlet wants to become, he enforces the theme of loyalty, and gives credibility to what is happening.
From the beginning, Horatio is loyal to Hamlet. When Horatio sees the ghost of King Hamlet, he says that he will, “...impart what [they] have seen tonight unto young Hamlet (1.1.184).” Horatio is decisive and quickly takes action because he believes it’s his duty as a faithful friend to tell Hamlet what they have seen. Horatio does not think to tell Claudius, the current king of Denmark, what he has seen. Instead, Horatio …show more content…

When Hamlet sends a letter to Horatio, Horatio does not question what Hamlet’s letter that is sent. Instead, Horatio tells the sailors to lead him to Hamlet and follows without hesitation (4.6.31-33). Even when Hamlet belittles and disrespects Horatio, he is still faithful to Hamlet. After Hamlet belittles Horatio he commands him to, “Observe [his] uncle (3.2.85).” Horatio accepts and if Claudius, “...steal aught the whilst this play is playing And ‘scape (detecting), [he] will pay the theft (3.2.93-95).” Horatio is faithful towards Hamlet even in Hamlet’s death. When Hamlet is taking his final breaths, he trusts Horatio to tell the story of his death. Even after his death, Horatio agrees to tell Hamlet’s tale. When Fortinbras marches in Horatio clears Hamlet’s name and makes sure to tell the full story of what has taken place (5.2.414-428).
Horatio is loyal to Hamlet and he gives credibility of what is happening. Horatio is the level headed guy who, “...is not passion’s slave (3.2.77).” Horatio thinks things through and questions what is unreasonable. When Marcellus says, “Horatio [thinks] ‘tis but our fantasy And will not let belief take hold of him…(1.1.28),” it shows that Horatio is skeptical and looks at the problem realistically.

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