What Is Honor?

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Honor is one of the many things that cannot have one accepted definition, it and its meaning change from person to person, culture to culture, time period to time period. A definition for honor that is generally accepted is that it has to do with high respect and nobility. This, however, only raises more questions. What do different peoples, different cultures, or even people of different times think of honor? These are some of the questions that we will answer, or at least try to. In this report, we will go over what honor is within other periods of time (including modern day), what it is within different cultures, describe what honor is to an American, and compare this American honor to that of another people, the Shi’a Islamic people. Throughout time, honor …show more content…

While a culture doesn’t need to try and justify murder in the name of honor, it does show that they are devoted and centered around such concepts. If this is what a person views to be honor, the United States and most other western cultures are unhonorable. If the United States are to be viewed as honorable, it is only obtainable through militarily obtaining it in most cases. While most people might believe that American honor has no more than to do with the military, which makes sense provided all the evidence that there is that would point a person to this conclusion, others believe otherwise. These people hold firm to the idea that anyone can be considered honorable in their everyday lives by simply doing minor things. Simply put, these people don’t believe that you need to be a hero and serve your country through combat. Honor has been viewed diffurently by many different cultures and time periods, some even going to the quite extreme of killing either yourself or females in your family to keep honor, but one thing is certain, honor bears the simple principles of nobility and

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