What Is Consistency Over Consistency?

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Consistency is Hard for Parents
Parenting is exhausting and frustrating. Most parents re just trying to make it to the end of the day. In many homes, expediency takes precedence over consistency. You may get very frustrated that your child won't clean her room, but after asking her multiple times, you get fed up and do it yourself. We are all human and will make mistakes, but making an effort to be consistent is essential to raising confident, secure children. Choosing expediency over consistency has an effect on your child’s behavior and character. Being consistent is time-consuming and requires thought and patience, but it is an investment in your child's development and will make your relationship stronger as your child grows.

Consistency is one of the most important concepts when it comes to being an effective parent. Emotionally, consistency means purposely choosing how you are going to engage …show more content…

These behaviors are especially normal during the early years when a child is starting to integrate stimuli from their environment into their schema, and develop a world view. Children test limits in order to figure out their world. Kids need consistent consequences with undesirable behaviors. If you are trying to change an undesirable behavior, consistency is the way to do it. It may take a long time, but if you are consistent with your new rules and ideas, your children will integrate these ideas into their brain.

Consistency is important in how you emotionally react when your child does something which you don't like and also what reaction or consequence you use to teach that the behavior is the undesirable. Consequences should fit the behavior, and your tone and demeanor should match the severity of the behavior. If a child is acting out the behavior needs to be addressed with a logical and related consequence.

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