What Invention Has Been The Driving Force Of This World?

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What invention has been the driving force of this world? It has given us the ability to communicate, to travel, to discover new things, to survive. Technology, years and years of evolution has allowed humans to invent a mass of innovative items that help us with everyday conflicts. We humans rely on technology as if it were our surrogate parent, aiding I am a strong believer in a human's ability to create something that is unprecedented and original that benefits the earth but sooner or later technology will catch up with its creators and eventually eradicate what we know as humanity.
Technology doesn’t really have to be something that is classified as something technological. It can be anything that has benefited us for the better or worse, …show more content…

It's absolutely mind-blowing to think about the years and years amounted to the technological advancements we have. So far the human mind has only grazed the layer of intuity that amasses to the inventions that can be made later in the future. Inventions that have been made in this day and age have greatly benefited the earth, we have the ability to purify dirty water, to communicate with anybody in the world via telecommunications, to harvest crops to make food, to travel the land, to survive. Seems perfect doesn’t it? As good as it may seem there are some inventions that will lead to the utter destruction of this earth. The intelligence and innovativeness that humans bring to the table has been tainted by the selfish thoughts of the corrupt. Weapons, Fossil fuels, the atomic bomb, harmful drugs, deforestation, Warfare, the list goes on. These are all life threatening inventions that can or will destroy the land that we prosper off of. The idea of economy is a huge aspect of this, for a certain company to make money they must spread throughout the area destroying a portion of the indigenous land killing off plant and animal life alike decreasing the

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