What Does The Dagger Mean In Macbeth

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The tragedy of Macbeth mostly revolved around his lust for power along with his other greedy companions. One of the most important element in this lust for power among the characters in Macbeth, is the dagger. There are many important symbolic people and elements surrounding the imagery of the dagger including, Lady Macbeth and her ambition to killing Duncan so she will be powerful, the three witches and their evil ways of manipulating others to kill and giving them destinies, the crown symbolizes the lust for wanting to be the most powerful human in Earth, the bloody hands symbolize the eagerness of killing others for power, the dagger through the heart symbolizes the desire to murder for power. Bloody hands or blood seem to be a major conflict …show more content…

Blood symbolism also reveals much about Lady Macbeth’s attitude towards murder changes. Initially, she is a beguiling instigator of murder, and her first reaction to blood displays this nonchalant attitude. Lady Macbeth effortlessly washes off this blood with water, disregarding the guilt she will feel because she wants as much power as she can get. The crown symbolizes the ambition for power that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth strive for. The crown gives the effect of royalty and power to them. The crown ties back to the dagger because the crown is the resolution of the dagger and portrays how much Macbeth and Lady Macbeth want to be powerful because they are willing to murder to “win” the crown. The crown is so important to Lady Macbeth because of the power and title that it carries. She recognizes that such a title is something that is worthy of her husband and how much respect Macbeth and her will receive from the people of the kingdom. Lady Macbeth also understands that the prophecy of the witches combined with her own husband's reticence compels her to be the source of strength, the dagger, that can drive her husband. Lady Macbeth recognizes that her own coveting of the crown is to help her husband carry out with his own function with the dagger to kill Duncan and become

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