Violence In Macbeth Essay

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Shakespeare used imagery to present the idea that violence will always come back to haunt us. Throughout Shakespeare’s Macbeth imagery is used to help provide a visually descriptive understanding on his literary work. Images of Hallucinations help to back up the idea of violence and how it comes back to haunt us, these ongoing visions of the dagger and the sound of the execution bell play on Macbeths awareness of the situation put into plan. Whether used to emphasise each tragedy present throughout Shakespeare’s Macbeth and it was also used to portray the witches as a character, Storms were used to present all the violence that corrupted throughout the play.
In ACT II hallucinations are used an experience in which involves an apparent perception. When visions of the dagger are presented in front of Macbeth “Is this the dagger which I see before me” ACT II SCENE ii it reminds Macbeth of the murder of Duncan. The dagger in which is presented in front of Macbeth is to his vision covered with blood as it points to the kings chamber, …show more content…

Throughout the play Macbeths intense murder spree is accompanied by a number of natural occurrences these may include terrifying storms and thunder and lightning. The use of weather shows how acts of violence will cause for nature to respond due to the harsh acts of humans. “When shall we meet again? In thunder lightning or rain?” ACT II scene i, thunder and lightning is used to present the disturbances in nature. The weather that occurs throughout Macbeth is an important part of the play as it showcases each in ethical behaviours that occur; each sign of bad weather is used to indicate that the weather and nature are upset with the characters behaviours. Shakespeare’s use of weather helps to idolise the key acts of violence and how it will always come back to haunt as the weather always responds to these devious

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